ימי עיון

Yemei Iyun for Yamim Noraim

Pomegranates on leafs with nice bokeh background.

The Women’s Beit Midrash is offering a variety of programs of study and preparation for the Yamim Noraim.

Join us on Sukkot for a special Sukkah Hop – WBM style – click here for the full details


1 shiur – 40 nis, whole day – 60 nis, whole program – 100 nis 

Upcoming event!!!

Sunday 2/10 

20:15 | Rabba Batya Jacobs

The Broken Tablets

21:15 | Rabbi David Harbater

Yamim Noraim: Are they really days of awe?

Open to Women and Men.

At Beit Knesset Menorat Hamaor, 2 Channah st., Zayit, Efrat 


The shul is located on top of the ganim next door to Orot Yehuda.
Dedicated by families Morris, Ben Zvi, and Pushett in memory of Conrad Morris z”l and Michael Pushett z”l




Wednesday, 14/9

8:30 | הרבנית מעיין גיל 

‘כמה דכייף איניש’ – על השופר ותנועת הנפש

9:30 | Rabbanit Shira Sapir

Can we change the sentence after it was issued?

10:30 | Rabbanit Deborah Geller

The 13 Attributes of Mercy – Magic Formula or Meaningful Teshuva?

Open to Women and Men, at Beit Kenesset Tiferet Avot, 25 Netzach Yerushalayim St., Efrat

Wednesday 21/9

8:30 | הרבנית חנה גודינגר (דרייפוס)

אם כבנים אם כעבדים

9:30 | Rabbanit Dr. Lisa Fredman

Rosh Hashanah, Barren Women and the Power of Change

10:30 | Rabbi Meir Scheiger

Hearing the Kol (call) of the Shofar

Open to Women and Men, at Beit Kenesset Tiferet Avot, 25 Netzach Yerushalayim St., Efrat

Dedicated by Marilyn & Ed Croman, in memory of Frank (Efraim Moshe haCohen) & Chai Croman, and Dovid & Helen (Henya) Kaplan

Wednesday 28/9 (Tzom Gedalya)

9:00 | Rabbanit Shani Taragin

Tzom Gedalya and Fifth Elections – Reasons for Fasting

Open to Women and Men, at Beit Kenesset Tiferet Avot, 25 Netzach Yerushalayim St., Efrat

Dedicated by Pnina & Barry Farkas, in memory of Seymour Wolf (Shalom Zev) Applebaum, and Abraham & Bracha Korobchinski Applebaum